medical Billing and the distinction Paradox of the Rising Healthcare Costs

Kaiser Family Foundation Health Care Reform - medical Billing and the distinction Paradox of the Rising Healthcare Costs

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Health care spending continues to rise at the fastest rate in our history. In 2005, total national condition costs rose 6.9 percent -- twice the rate of inflation - reaching trillion, or ,700 per someone [Catlin, Cowan, Heffler, et al, 2006]. Currently, total spending represents 16 percent of the gross domestic stock (Gdp). In the next decade, U.S. condition care spending is startling to growth at similar levels, reaching trillion in 2015 [Borger et al, 2006].

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Kaiser Family Foundation Health Care Reform

While some experts speak that our condition care system is high-priced because it is riddled with inefficiencies, inordinate administrative expenses, inflated prices, poor management, waste, inappropriate care, and fraud [Health guarnatee Cost, 2008], at least three remaining key factors, namely, aging population, costly curative innovation, and defensive care, lead substantially, to the extensive cost picture.

Aging habitancy - In the United States, the proportion of the habitancy aged >65 years is projected to growth from 12.4% in 2000 to 19.6% in 2030. The amount of persons aged >65 years is startling to growth from approximately 35 million in 2000 to an estimated 71 million in 2030, and the amount of persons aged >80 years is startling to growth from 9.3 million in 2000 to 19.5 million in 2030 [Public condition and Aging: Trends in Aging --- United States and Worldwide, 2008; Kaiser family Foundation, 2006]. "The growing amount of older adults increases demands on the group system and on group services. Lasting diseases, which work on older adults disproportionately, lead to disability, diminish capability of life, and increased costs." [Un, 2002] 125 million Americans have one or more Lasting conditions (e.g. Congestive heart failure, diabetes.) Lasting diseases account for 75% of all condition care expenditures. Source: Burrill & Company, 2006 Expensive innovation - The American biotechnology manufactures has surpassed pharmaceutical companies for the third level year as the original source of new medicines, and biotech wage jumped nearly 16 percent to a article .7 billion in 2005. Source: Ernst & Young Llp, 2006 The Usa is the world's largest and wealthiest pharmaceutical market, accounting for colse to 48% of the world total. Per capita expenditure on drugs is Us ,069 in 2006, nearly duplicate the level found in the rest of the world. Source: Espicom enterprise Intelligence, 2006 estimated 30% of new products under amelioration are "combo products" - tantalizing curative devices embedded with pharmaceutical or biologics components. [Combination Products- Navigating Two Fda capability Systems, Microtest White Paper, 2007]. The combination products market is estimated at .9B in 2004, and will continue to grow at a combination each year rate of 10% through 2009. By 2009, the market is startling to reach approximately .5B worldwide with a majority of these revenues from drug-eluting stents and steroid-eluting electrodes. Source: Navigant Consulting, Inc. In 2004, the Us held approximately 65% of the drug-device combination stock market. By 2010, the Us is projected to hold 57%. Source: enterprise Communications Inc. "Defensive" rehabilitation - "One of the major cost drivers in the delivery of condition care are these junk and frivolous lawsuits. The risk of frivolous litigation drives doctors -- and hear me out on this -- they drive doctors to prescribe drugs and procedures that may not be necessary, just to avoid lawsuits. That's called the defensive practice of medicine..... See, lawsuits not only drive up premiums, which drives up the cost to the inpatient or the employer of the patient, but lawsuits cause docs to practice rehabilitation in an costly way in order to safe themselves in the courthouse. The defensive practice of rehabilitation affects the federal budget. The direct cost of liability guarnatee and the indirect cost from unnecessary curative procedures raise the federal government's costs by at least billion a year." [Us President George Bush, Arkansas, January 26, 2004]

Now let us recognize the paradox:

On one hand, the participants of every ancillary industry, together with guarnatee companies, hi-tech and pharmaceutical engineers and scientists, as well as lawyers, have increased their profits in step with the rising costs at ever accelerating pace. On the other hand, the curative and chiropractic office owners - the actual providers - have not only failed to keep up with raising costs but have lost a critical part of their income. In fact, between 1995 and 1999, at a time when most wages and salaries in the United States rose 3.5 percent after adjusting for inflation, median physician net wage from the practice of medicine, adjusted for inflation, dropped 5 percent [Reed and Ginsburg, 2003]. In 2006, the median compensation for specialty and original physicians grew only 1.7 (2,259) and 2 (1,519) percent respectively, slower than buyer price index of 3.2 percent [Mgma physician compensation and output Survey: 2007 Report]. In comparison, condition care costs beat the inflation by 3.5% reaching the each year growth rate of 6.7 [Spending, 2008]Diverting our focus away from trying to find solutions to the qoute of rising condition care costs, we ask a separate question: How such a paradoxical situation is inherent without a deliberate and systematic strategy against the providers?


Catlin, A, C. Cowan, S. Heffler, et al, "National condition Spending in 2005." condition Affairs 26:1 (2006): 142-153. Borger, C., et al., "Health Spending Projections through 2015: Changes on the Horizon," condition Affairs Web Exclusive W61: 22 February 2006. condition guarnatee Cost, National Coalition on condition Care as of January 4, 2008 group condition and Aging: Trends in Aging --- United States and Worldwide, as of January 4, 2008 United Nations. article of the Second World Assembly on Aging. Madrid, Spain: United Nations, April 8--12, 2002. Kinsella K, Velkoff V. U.S. Census Bureau. An Aging World: 2001. Washington, Dc: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2001; series P95/01-1. U.S. Census Bureau. International database. Table 094. Midyear population, by age and sex. 2008 The Henry J. Kaiser family Foundation. Laborer condition Benefits: 2006 each year Survey. 26 September 2006. President Bush Calls for curative Liability Reform, Baptist condition curative Center, little Rock, Arkansas, January 26, 2004 Marie C. Reed, Paul B. Ginsburg, Behind the Times: physician Income, 1995-99, Data Bulletin No. 24, March 2003 curative Group administration association (Mgma) physician compensation and output Survey: 2007 Report Medicare Spending - United States Government accountability Office (Gao), Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Health, Committee on vigor and Commerce, House of Representatives, March 6, 2007, Healthcare Costs 101 condition Care Spending as downloaded on January 15, 2008

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